Snapdeal – Gets an all new logo – Literally they dipped the logo in red
Snapdeal logo got a facelift last time in July 2013 as they rewamped the complete website during the facelift the change of logo and the color scheme added a lot value to the user experience. But now the color change of the logo only have destroyed the coherence with other design elements like the login popup which highlights the same old blue in the logo.
Whatever be the design i always enjoyed great deals @ snapdeal. Although the delivery speed is not that great as Myntra and Flipkart do, i always found cheapest deals in snapdeal.
What do you guys think, will the logo rewamp be a good turn in snapdeal’s roadmap ?
I also agree with Shyam, We can find the cheapest deals in snapdeal,
I mean among the three (Flipkart, Myntra and Snapdeal), the best in delivery (also in post delivery services) is Flipkart, but deal wise if you take, snapdeal has more components and more deals than any of these sites.